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Copy of Resources

Educational & Teaching Countermarketing Resources


CUNY Urban Food Policy Institute Resources

Youth Food Educators Toolkit.PNG

Youth Food Educators Toolkit

The Youth Food Educators (YOFE) Program Toolkit was created as a guide for organizations interested in engaging young people in advocacy, social justice, and countermarketing projects. In this toolkit the CUNY Urban Food Policy Institute shares insights, best practices, and lessons learned based on two years of experience with the YOFE program. The toolkit contains 10 workshops with learning objectives and activities, handouts, and evaluation materials, and provides guidance on launching youth-engaging countermarketing projects.

Countermarketing Staff Training Program Presentation.PNG

Countermarketing Staff Training Program

Presentation used for the Countermarketing Staff Training Program of the CUNY Urban Food Policy Institute. This presentation provides an overview of the marketing strategies big food companies use, targeted marketing, and discusses how countermarketing can be used as a tool to fight back against unhealthy marketing.


Youth food Countermarketing 101

Presentation developed by the CUNY Urban Food Policy Institute that can be used to teach youth about countermarketing and predatory marketing.



This policy brief by the CUNY Urban Food Policy Institute describes key elements of effective tobacco countermarketing campaigns and examines how these countermarketing strategies can be applied to countermarketing unhealthy foods and beverages.


External Resources

Food Marketing To Teens

UCONN Rudd center for Food policy & obesity

This video created by UCONN Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity shows how food and beverage companies market unhealthy products to youth in a variety of ways including through TV advertising, celebrity endorsements, social media, YouTube, and mobile apps. Find more information about Food Marketing to Teens here.

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Junk Food Marketing to Children of Color: The Current Reality and What We Can Do About It

Berkeley media studies group

This PowerPoint slide deck created by Berkeley Media Studies Group outlines the current landscape of junk food and sugary drink targeted marketing, and can be used to communicate junk food and sugary drink marketing from a health equity point-of-view. Download the slide deck here.

